Optimizing Your Vacation Rental Occupancy Rate

Optimizing Your Vacation Rental Occupancy Rate

Enjoying more than 3,000 hours of sunshine each year, it's no surprise Fort Lauderdale is a prime tourist destination. With so many visitors arriving each year, landlords can make a handsome income from their rental properties.

However, optimizing your vacation rental occupancy rate is key to maximizing your income. Although the rental market can be competitive, there are several excellent tips you can use to get more bookings.

Here's how to find more short-term tenants for your property.

Effective Marketing

Creating an appealing vacation rental listing can make your marketing efforts more effective. Use excellent photographs to highlight your property's features and include information-packed descriptions.

Think about what potential tenants would like to know to get the best results. For example, they might like to find out if your house is near stores and restaurants, or if it's easy to get to a local beach.

By answering these questions in your listing, you can increase your chances of vacationers booking your home.

Optimizing Your Vacation Rental Occupancy Rate With Competitive Pricing

Using the right vacation rental pricing strategies is important. While you want to maximize profits, you don't want to overcharge. It can help to review the market and see what prices people are paying for similar types of rentals.

You can then decide if your property can command higher fees. It can also help to use a dynamic pricing model and change your fees depending on the time of year. You may find you can charge considerably more in the summer than in the off-season.

Vacation Rental Communication

Managing bookings and reservations is never easy. But it's much worse if there is a communication breakdown. This is why it's helpful to stay in touch with people who have booked your property before they visit.

You may find out they are going to be arriving late, or that they want to book extra nights and had forgotten to ask if this was possible. Sending an email a week or two before the booking date should keep your rental booking schedule on track.

Tenant Screening

Not every landlord thinks about screening guests for vacation rentals, as they tend to be short-term bookings. But this could be a mistake. A screening process could reveal that a guest cannot provide positive references and that they have a poor payment record.

In contrast, if another potential renter has glowing references and always pays on time, this can reassure you that your home will be in good hands.

Choose PMI Premium Services to Manage Your Vacation Rental

By optimizing your vacation rental occupancy rate, you can enjoy earning a year-round income.

At PMI Premium Services, we understand how hard it is to manage a vacation rental. As one of the fastest-growing franchises in the country, our success in managing vacation properties speaks for itself, and we can help you.

We use our knowledge, experience, and skills to get you more bookings and earn more income.

Contact our friendly team today to start maximizing your vacation rental profits.
