Mastering the Art of Vacation Rental Hosting

Mastering the Art of Vacation Rental Hosting

Tourism is back on the rise in Fort Lauderdale. That's excellent news for anyone who's in the tourism industry. If you own a vacation property, that includes you!

But how do you turn your spare property into potential rental income? Is it hard to start your own vacation property?

Vacation rental hosting may look easy, but it's not as complicated as you think. We've created a brief guide to help you get started hosting vacationers so you can turn a profit this year.

Read on to learn more!

Find a Suitable Property

If you don't already have a spare property sitting around and collecting dust, your first step is going to be to find a good property. Pick a good neighborhood that's close enough to vacation amenities if you want the best possible chance of making consistent vacation rental income.

While you're looking for a good home to turn into a short-term rental, or while you're in the planning stages of putting your spare home on the market, look at nearby vacation rentals.

What do they charge? What amenities does the property offer? You'll end up pricing your property similarly, so this will give you a good starting point.

Boost Your Vacation Property With Amenities

Speaking of amenities, what will you offer? How will you compete with hotels and other properties?

When you own a vacation rental, you're in competition with all of the local hotels. Guests also expect a few extra things from vacation rentals that hotels don't tend to offer (but, on the other hand, they expect less in terms of service).

Most people want to be able to cook in their vacation homes, so it's a good idea to provide basic supplies and utensils, as well as everything that someone would need to wash the dishes.

Providing basic toiletries and first-aid supplies isn't necessary, but it's a good thing to do. You can also provide extra things, like beach toys and towels.

Set Reasonable House Rules

Don't forget your house rules. They keep both your property and your guests safe.

Your rules are up to you, but do your best to make sure they don't get in the way of a fun vacation (within reason). You should try not to overwhelm your guests with extra tasks and rules (like overwhelming chore lists).

Provide a list of rules in the rental listing and the welcome email, as well as a physical list somewhere in the house itself.

Property Management Makes Vacation Rental Hosting Easy

Vacation rental hosting can be a great way to earn some extra money, especially if you already have a spare property, so that initial investment is already taken care of.

If you want an even better experience as a vacation rental host, consider hiring a property management company. At PMI Premium Services, we help Fort Lauderdale vacation hosts make the most of their short-term rental properties.

We can help with marketing, guest communication, and more. Reach out to schedule a free consultation with us today.
